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Articles to include

All articles accepted up to the publication dates: Mar 31, Jun 30, Oct 31, Dec 31, should be included. (Traditionally these articles would first be made available online, but with the increased frequency of publication we are not at the moment performing this step.)


  • Copy editing
  • Collect news items

Building an issue


  1. Copy from Accepted into Proofs (rj:::make_proof()):
  • It will filter accepted articles that have the current status “proofed”.
  • You need to provide the issue number, eg “2022-2”.
  • This will also create the zip file of supplementary material from the list of files in the DESCRIPTION
  1. Copy news, News_items, into Proofs which is done manually.
  2. Copy files across to, using rj:::publish_issue() or rj:::publish_article(). Publish news with rj:::publish_news()
  • This will also assign a “slug” the id of the published article, which is added to the DESCRIPTION file in the Proofs folder.
  • This slug will be used for the folder name in the “_articles” folder.
  • Also builds file volume_issue.Rmd in the “_issues”.
  1. Build the issue, using the file volume_issue.Rmd in the “_issues” folder. Make the pdfs/html for each article (using rjtools::rjournal_web_issue() and rjtools::rjournal_pdf_issue())
  • It generates a folder within “_issues” with the information on organising the articles in the issue
  • This will also generate the doi.xml used for the DOI of each article.
  1. Register DOIs with using username rfou and password provided by previous editor. Click on “Upload submissions”, then “Metadata” and upload the file.