FSA - Fisheries stock assessment methods.


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FSA Rforge.net Custom Installation

FSA depends on R 3.0.0 or greater and several packages being installed for your R. FSA is on CRAN, but the latest development version and all required other packages can be installed by running the line below in your R.


[Note: If you have not previously identified a CRAN mirror site then you will be prompted to do so. This prompt may be 'buried' under other open windows.]

There should be no errors from running the previous code. However, type the following two lines into R to see if FSA is working properly.


Several packages available through CRAN are installed in this process. These packages can be seen by running the coded from the sourced file through the line that creates the FSA.all object. In some instances, one or more of these packages may need to be installed manually.