rcleaflet - Interactive maps in RCloud based on the Leaflet package


About rcleaflet
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GIT repository access

The GIT repository for this project can be cloned using
git clone --recursive https://github.com/s-u/rcleaflet rcleaflet
see also rcleaflet GitHub repository.

To install the latest development snapshot of this package, use


Binaries (if avalable) can be installed using


Most recent GIT commits

bc807a45| Simon Urbanek | Sat Mar 9 23:17:58 2019 -0500
allow vectors in lmap(); clean up callbacks to include index of trigger point and to auto-wrap functions; if eventfunc is a function assign it to a default action according to the element
 M       R/rcl.R
 M       inst/javascript/rcl.js

8b972484| Simon Urbanek | Sat Mar 9 23:15:52 2019 -0500
add ipcy and bump the version

f030b172| Simon Urbanek | Sat Mar 9 23:15:31 2019 -0500
update docs to match the code
 M       man/lmap.Rd

aa503a3c| Simon Urbanek | Thu Jul 5 10:49:36 2018 -0400
don't use random wait but check for the div presence instead
 M       R/rcl.R

984dd2c6| Horace Ip | Tue Jul 3 12:00:36 2018 -0400
Added sleep for div creation
 M       R/rcl.R