multimix - Fit Mixture Models in R Using the EM Algorithm


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GIT repository access

The GIT repository for this project can be cloned using
git clone --recursive multimix
see also multimix GitHub repository.

To install the latest development snapshot of this package, use


Binaries (if avalable) can be installed using


Most recent GIT commits

3c86ff5b| jmcurran | Sun Jan 29 16:55:20 2023 +1300
Checked compilation under Windows - easier than OS X tbh!
 M       .gitignore
 M       multimix/NAMESPACE
 M       multimix/src/facto.o
 D       multimix/src/

64dea37b| James Curran | Sun Jan 29 11:43:14 2023 +1300
Seem to have got fortran linking going. Not sure how portable it is currently.
 M       multimix/NAMESPACE
 M       multimix/R/multimix-package.R
 D       multimix/man/multimix-package.Rd
 A       multimix/man/multimix.Rd
 M       multimix/src/
 A       multimix_1.0-11.tar.gz

26871ba3| James Curran | Sun Jan 29 10:04:03 2023 +1300
Linking to fortran
 A       multimix/R/testing.R
 A       multimix/man/myfacto.Rd
 M       multimix/src/facto.o
 M       multimix/src/
 A       multimix_1.0-11.tgz

b503c6b9| James Curran | Sat Jan 28 23:56:00 2023 +1300
Changed .gitignore because src has changed to multimix
 M       .gitignore

d67594b5| James Curran | Sat Jan 28 23:55:27 2023 +1300
Starting to add Fortran support. Highly experimental, but the main functions are not being changed at this time
 M       multimix/DESCRIPTION
 M       multimix/R/initParamList.R
 M       multimix/R/plot.multimixResults.R
 M       multimix/R/print.multimixParamList.R
 A       multimix/src/facto.f
 A       multimix/src/facto.o
 A       multimix/src/