evaluate - Parsing and evaluation tools that provide more details than the default. - download/files


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This project has no custom files.

Most Recent Snapshots

evaluate_0.14.1.tar.gz21,518 bytes  2021-09-08 04:47
evaluate_0.13.2.tar.gz21,484 bytes  2019-03-19 21:37
evaluate_0.13.1.tar.gz20,368 bytes  2019-02-12 20:06
evaluate_0.12.1.tar.gz20,373 bytes  2019-02-11 04:12
evaluate_0.12.tar.gz19,825 bytes  2019-01-21 22:17

Total 5 files, 103,568 bytes.

Repository contents:
Source package: evaluate_0.14.1.tar.gz (21.0kb, updated: Wed Sep 8 04:47:19 2021)
R 2.15, MacOS X Leopard binary: evaluate_0.4.7.tgz (37.1kb, updated: Wed Aug 21 05:05:25 2013)
R 2.15, Windows binary: evaluate_0.4.9.zip (48.2kb, updated: Wed Mar 15 05:02:07 2017)
R 3.0, Windows binary: evaluate_0.4.7.zip (47.5kb, updated: Wed Mar 15 05:02:14 2017)
Please use install.packages('evaluate',,'http://www.rforge.net/') to install.