JGR - Java GUI for R


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JGR on Linux
Snow Leopard

JGR on Linux

Although we do not provide JGR binaries for Linux distributions, we are testing some of them. This page shows hints and tips for the most common distributions.

In general installing JGR on any unix system is simple, you need

  • R with shared library (libR.so) and developer files
  • JDK 1.4 or higher (>=1.5 recommended)
Then simply run as root:
R CMD javareconf

Debian (etch)

  • Install the most recent R version
    Follow instruction from
    CRAN Debian page, in a nutshell add:
    deb http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian etch/
    to the file /etc/apt/source.list (if it's not there already) and run
    apt-get update
    apt-get install r-base-dev r-recommended
  • Install Java Development Kit
    This one is quite easy (make sure you have enabled non-free package in Debian):
    apt-get install sun-java5-jdk
    If you have more than one Java version installed, set the Sun version as default, e.g.:
    update-java-alternatives -s java-1.5.0-sun
  • Enable Java support in R
    As root run:
    R CMD javareconf
  • Install JGR
    In R as root (e.g. via sudo R) type:

Ubuntu Dapper (6.x)

The instructions are pretty much the same as for Debian etch, except that in step 1) you have to add the following line to sources.list instead:
deb http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu dapper/
and also make sure your main deb entry for ubuntu contains multiverse (do NOT uncomment the backport list, just add one more word in the main ubuntu line - see
Ubuntu Java page for details).

Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (7.x)

  • Install the most recent R version
    Follow instruction from
    CRAN Ubuntu page, in a nutshell add:
    deb http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu feisty/
    to the file /etc/apt/source.list (if it's not there already) and add multiverse to the main ubuntu faisty deb line (NOT the backports!). Then run
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install r-base-dev r-recommended
  • Install Java Development Kit
    Make sure you have enabled the multiverse above (run sudo apt-get update if necessary) and run:
    sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
    If you have more than one Java version installed, set the Sun version as default, e.g.:
    sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-1.6.0-sun
  • Enable Java support in R
    sudo R CMD javareconf
  • Install JGR
    Run R as root via sudo R and type:

Open SuSE 10.2

The package management system in SuSE is really .. let's say suboptimal, so the installation is quite complicated compared to Debian-based systems, but this should guide you through it:
  • Install the most recent R version
    SuSE on CRAN info for details - it's a bit of a pain as you have to install it manually (don't forget to install blas and libgfortran using yast first!).
  • Install Java Development Kit
    Add non-oss repository to your Installation Sources (if you didn't already). Then search for "Sun" in Software Management and install java-1_5_0-sun and java-1_5_0-devel. On a clean 10.2 system I also had to run sudo update-alternatives --auto java, because the java link was broken. Make sure both java and javac work. If you get stuck along the way, read the SuSE Java page.
  • Enable Java support in R
    sudo R CMD javareconf
  • Install JGR
    This is a bit more tricky in SuSE than other unices as their idea of sudo is strange (to put it mildly). One should not be running X11 as root, so I'm assuming a regular user here. First, you need to allow root to use your X11, then start R as root and install JGR. This is an example how you can do it:
    xhost +  # enable X11 access
    sudo bash # start a root shell
    DISPLAY=:0 R # run R as root with DISPLAY set
    After this you can run the run script as a regular user.

JGR Version 1.5 was successfully tested with all the distributions above exactly as shown.