orcv - Async Communicating Event Receiver for R


About orcv
GIT access
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GIT repository access

The GIT repository for this project can be cloned using
git clone --recursive https://github.com/jcai849/orcv.git orcv
see also orcv GitHub repository.

To install the latest development snapshot of this package, use


Binaries (if avalable) can be installed using


Most recent GIT commits

75fbf0ce| Jason Cairns | Sun Jun 9 15:18:04 2024 +1200
clean up repo
 M       .gitignore
 A       exec/makeflow
 D       exec/output
 D       exec/trackfd.awk
 R100 inst/dev-tests/location.Rinst/interactive-tests/location.R
 R100 inst/dev-tests/receive_multiple_fd.Rinst/interactive-tests/receive_multiple_fd.R
 R100 inst/dev-tests/receiver.Rinst/interactive-tests/receiver.R
 R100 inst/dev-tests/sender.Rinst/interactive-tests/sender.R
 A       inst/interactive-tests/test
 R100 inst/dev-tests/test.tmuxinst/interactive-tests/test.tmux
 D       makefile

fc49422b| Jason Cairns | Thu Jun 6 14:04:41 2024 +1200
remove orcv logging, shift to chunknet
 M       R/orcv.R

daa7cfd8| Jason Cairns | Sun Nov 19 11:50:17 2023 +1300
include basic man pages
 A       man/receive.Rd
 A       man/send.Rd
 A       man/start.Rd

24a24327| Jason Cairns | Sun Nov 19 11:50:05 2023 +1300
ignore vim swap files
 M       .gitignore

fcf15c8b| Jason Cairns | Wed Oct 25 20:09:33 2023 +1300
version bump