Package org.rosuda.pograss

Class Summary
PoGraSS Portable Graphics SubSystem - first draft of the abstract interface definition.
PoGraSSgraphics Portable Graphics SubSystem - Graphics implementation
PoGraSSmeta Portable Graphics SubSystem, meta data implementation
PoGraSSPDF Portable Graphics SubSystem - PDF implementation, based on PS implementation Bugs: in this PS implementation xxxOval, xxxRoundRectangle etc. require dx=dy because in PostScript arc resp. arcto is used where both of them require only one radius argument in fact spacing is done with dx/dy but arc is drawn with dx only, thus resulting in ugly drawing Changelog: 1.0.0 initial release 1.0.1 added support for raw PrintStream constructor added support for monochromatic PS: if equal RGB values are used, set grayscale
PoGraSSPS Portable Graphics SubSystem - PostScript implementation Bugs: in this PS implementation xxxOval, xxxRoundRectangle etc. require dx=dy because in PostScript arc resp. arcto is used where both of them require only one radius argument in fact spacing is done with dx/dy but arc is drawn with dx only, thus resulting in ugly drawing Changelog: 1.0.0 initial release 1.0.1 added support for raw PrintStream constructor added support for monochromatic PS: if equal RGB values are used, set grayscale