Class SVar

  extended by org.rosuda.ibase.Notifier
      extended by org.rosuda.ibase.SVar
Direct Known Subclasses:
SVarDouble, SVarFact, SVarFixDouble, SVarFixFact, SVarFixInt, SVarInt, SVarObj

public abstract class SVar
extends Notifier

Statistical Variable This abstract class defines an interface to variables. There are various implementations (fixed size/flexible, fixed type/objects etc.

$Id: 2822 2007-08-21 20:26:21Z urbanek $

Field Summary
 boolean cacheRanks
          if false then ranks are not cached
protected  boolean cat
          type of variable, true if categorial variable
protected  int contentsType
          type of the contents
static int CT_Map
static int CT_Number
static int CT_String
static int CT_Tree
static double double_NA
          this value is returned by atD(int) if the value is missing (null) or if the variable is not numerical.
protected  boolean guessing
          if set to true then the type of the variable is not yet known and can be guessed
static int int_NA
          this value is returned by atI(int) if the value is missing (null) or if the variable is not numerical.
protected  boolean isnum
          type of variable, true if numeric (i.e. subclass of Number)
static int IVT_Derived
          derived is not internal (and hence isInternal will return false)
static int IVT_Index
static int IVT_LeafID
static int IVT_Misclass
static int IVT_Normal
static int IVT_Prediction
static int IVT_RCC
static int IVT_Resid
static int IVT_ResidStat1
static int IVT_ResidStat2
 boolean linked
          if true permutation of categories is linked between plots
protected  double max
protected  double min
static java.lang.String missingCat
          string denoting class of the missings
protected  int missingCount
          # of missing cases in the variable
protected  java.lang.String name
          variable name
 boolean selected
          flag denoting selection in a SVarSet
protected  SCatSequence seq
          permutation of categories
static int SM_lexi
          sort method lexicograph.
static int SM_num
          sort method numerical (all objects are cast to Number, non-castable are assigned -0.01, basically to appear just before zero)
 int tag
          this attribute can be used by external code to store temporary information (tags) - it may not used by SVar or its subclasses.
Constructor Summary
SVar(java.lang.String Name, boolean iscat)
          construct new variable. iscat=true defaults to non-numerical, CT_String, whereas iscat=false defaults to numerical, CT_Number
SVar(java.lang.String Name, boolean isnum, boolean iscat)
          construct new variable. iscat=true defaults to non-numerical, CT_String, whereas iscat=false defaults to numerical, CT_Number
Method Summary
 boolean add(double d)
 boolean add(int d)
abstract  boolean add(java.lang.Object o)
          adds a new case to the variable. the exact behavior is implementation-dependent.
abstract  java.lang.Object at(int i)
 double atD(int i)
 double atF(int i)
 int atI(int i)
 java.lang.String atS(int i)
 void categorize()
          define the variable explicitely as categorial (equals to calling categorize(false))
abstract  void categorize(boolean rebuild)
          define the variable explicitely as categorical
abstract  void dropCat()
          define the variable explicitely as non-categorial (drop category list)
 java.lang.Object elementAt(int i)
          for compatibility with old code that used Vector class
static int[] filterRanksByID(int[] r, int[] ids)
static int[] filterRanksByMap(int[] r, int[] map, int mapEntry)
abstract  java.lang.Object getCatAt(int i)
          returns the category with index ID or null if variable is not categorial
abstract  java.lang.Object[] getCategories()
          returns new, fixed array of categories
 int getCatIndex(int i)
          returns ID of the category of i-th case in the variable or -1 if i oob
abstract  int getCatIndex(java.lang.Object o)
          returns the ID of the category
 int getContentsType()
          retrieves contents type of the variable
 int getInternalType()
          returns the internal type of the variable
 double getMax()
 double getMin()
 int getMissingCount()
          returs the # of missing values in this variable
 java.lang.String getName()
          returns name of the variable
 Notifier getNotifier()
          since the current implemantation is a Notifier itef, it returns "this"
abstract  int getNumCats()
          returns the number of categories for this variable or 0 if the variable is not categorial
 int[] getRanked()
          returns list of indexes ordered by rank.
abstract  int[] getRanked(SMarker m, int markspec)
abstract  int getSizeCat(java.lang.Object o)
          returns size of the category o.
abstract  int getSizeCatAt(int i)
          returns size of the category with index ID or -1 if variable is not categorial or index oob
 boolean hasMissing()
          returns true if there are missing values
 boolean insert(double d, int index)
 boolean insert(int d, int index)
abstract  boolean insert(java.lang.Object o, int index)
          inserts a new case to the variable at specified index. the exact behavior is implementation-dependent.
 boolean isCat()
          returns true if it's a categorial variable
 boolean isEmpty()
 boolean isInternal()
          returns true if the variable is internal, i.e. generated on-the fly. note that derived variables are NOT internal. use (getInterrnalType()==SVar.IVT_Normal) to check for original, non-derived variables.
 boolean isMissingAt(int i)
static boolean isNA(double d)
          checks for a missing value.
static boolean isNA(int i)
          checks for a missing value.
 boolean isNum()
          returns true if the variable has numerical content (i.e. it can be casted to Number)
 boolean isSelected()
          returns true the selected flag is set
 SCatSequence mainSeq()
          returns the main category sequence for this variable.
abstract  boolean remove(int index)
          removes a case from the variable at specified index. the exact behavior is implementation-dependent.
 boolean replace(int index, double d)
 boolean replace(int index, int i)
abstract  boolean replace(int index, java.lang.Object o)
          replaces an element at specified position
 void setAllEmpty(int size)
          we want to be able to make an empty SVar with the specified size and null content (added 28.12.03 MH).
 void setCategorical(boolean nc)
          define the type of the variable. note that setting nc to false does not necessarily drop categories information. this method should be used for quick toggling of the variable type
 boolean setContentsType(int ct)
          If it is to be used then is should be used BEFORE first data entries are inserted.
 void setInternalType(int it)
          sets type of an internal variable. internal variables are variables that were not contained in the original dataset. derived variables are also internal if they were derived in klimt and not loaded with the dataset.
 void setName(java.lang.String nn)
 void setSelected(boolean setit)
          sets the selected flag to the specified state
 void setSeq(SCatSequence newSeq)
abstract  int size()
          returns the size (number of cases) of the variable
 void sortCategories()
          sort caregotires, using default method which is numerical for num. variables, lexicogr. otherwise
abstract  void sortCategories(int method)
          sort categories by specifeid method
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class org.rosuda.ibase.Notifier
addDepend, beginBatch, delDepend, endBatch, NotifyAll, NotifyAll, NotifyAll, NotifyAll, startCascadedNotifyAll
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int CT_String
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CT_Number
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CT_Map
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CT_Tree
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int IVT_Derived
derived is not internal (and hence isInternal will return false)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int IVT_Normal
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int IVT_Prediction
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int IVT_Misclass
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int IVT_LeafID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int IVT_Index
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int IVT_Resid
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int IVT_RCC
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int IVT_ResidStat1
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int IVT_ResidStat2
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SM_lexi
sort method lexicograph.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SM_num
sort method numerical (all objects are cast to Number, non-castable are assigned -0.01, basically to appear just before zero)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static int int_NA
this value is returned by atI(int) if the value is missing (null) or if the variable is not numerical. This variable should not be changed except on startup. (Note: R uses -2147483648)


public static double double_NA
this value is returned by atD(int) if the value is missing (null) or if the variable is not numerical. This variable should not be changed except on startup.


public static final java.lang.String missingCat
string denoting class of the missings

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected double min


protected double max


protected java.lang.String name
variable name


protected boolean cat
type of variable, true if categorial variable


protected boolean isnum
type of variable, true if numeric (i.e. subclass of Number)


protected boolean guessing
if set to true then the type of the variable is not yet known and can be guessed


protected int contentsType
type of the contents


public boolean selected
flag denoting selection in a SVarSet


protected int missingCount
# of missing cases in the variable


public boolean cacheRanks
if false then ranks are not cached


public int tag
this attribute can be used by external code to store temporary information (tags) - it may not used by SVar or its subclasses. This attribute should not be used in environments that use SVar across multiple threads.


protected SCatSequence seq
permutation of categories


public boolean linked
if true permutation of categories is linked between plots

Constructor Detail


public SVar(java.lang.String Name,
            boolean iscat)
construct new variable. iscat=true defaults to non-numerical, CT_String, whereas iscat=false defaults to numerical, CT_Number

Name - variable name
iscat - true if categorial variable


public SVar(java.lang.String Name,
            boolean isnum,
            boolean iscat)
construct new variable. iscat=true defaults to non-numerical, CT_String, whereas iscat=false defaults to numerical, CT_Number

Name - variable name
isnum - true if numeric variable
iscat - true if categorial variable
Method Detail


public void setAllEmpty(int size)
we want to be able to make an empty SVar with the specified size and null content (added 28.12.03 MH). remove abstract and define a fallback using replace/add/remove in case the subclass doesn't provide its optimized version (SU 19.1.04)


public void setInternalType(int it)
sets type of an internal variable. internal variables are variables that were not contained in the original dataset. derived variables are also internal if they were derived in klimt and not loaded with the dataset.


public SCatSequence mainSeq()
returns the main category sequence for this variable.


public int getInternalType()
returns the internal type of the variable


public boolean isInternal()
returns true if the variable is internal, i.e. generated on-the fly. note that derived variables are NOT internal. use (getInterrnalType()==SVar.IVT_Normal) to check for original, non-derived variables.


public boolean isSelected()
returns true the selected flag is set


public void setSelected(boolean setit)
sets the selected flag to the specified state


public abstract void categorize(boolean rebuild)
define the variable explicitely as categorical

rebuild - if set to true force rebuild even if the variable is already categorial.


public void categorize()
define the variable explicitely as categorial (equals to calling categorize(false))


public Notifier getNotifier()
since the current implemantation is a Notifier itef, it returns "this"


public int getContentsType()
retrieves contents type of the variable

contents type (see CT_xxx constants)


public boolean setContentsType(int ct)
If it is to be used then is should be used BEFORE first data entries are inserted. A call to this method implicitely disables any type guessing. The results of calling this method on non-empty SVar is undefined, but the current implementation allows such use for custom types.

returns true upon success. This method is guaranteed to succeed if setting a custom type when no data were inserted yet. The method may succeed in other cases, but its return value should be checked in that case.


public void sortCategories()
sort caregotires, using default method which is numerical for num. variables, lexicogr. otherwise


public abstract void sortCategories(int method)
sort categories by specifeid method

method - sort method, see SM_xxx constants


public abstract void dropCat()
define the variable explicitely as non-categorial (drop category list)


public void setCategorical(boolean nc)
define the type of the variable. note that setting nc to false does not necessarily drop categories information. this method should be used for quick toggling of the variable type


public static boolean isNA(double d)
checks for a missing value. Note that for doubles isNA implies isNaN but NOT vice versa!

d - value to check


public static boolean isNA(int i)
checks for a missing value.

i - value to check


public abstract int size()
returns the size (number of cases) of the variable


public abstract boolean add(java.lang.Object o)
adds a new case to the variable. the exact behavior is implementation-dependent.


public boolean add(double d)


public boolean add(int d)


public abstract boolean insert(java.lang.Object o,
                               int index)
inserts a new case to the variable at specified index. the exact behavior is implementation-dependent.


public boolean insert(double d,
                      int index)


public boolean insert(int d,
                      int index)


public abstract boolean remove(int index)
removes a case from the variable at specified index. the exact behavior is implementation-dependent.


public abstract boolean replace(int index,
                                java.lang.Object o)
replaces an element at specified position


public boolean replace(int index,
                       double d)


public boolean replace(int index,
                       int i)


public double getMin()


public double getMax()


public abstract java.lang.Object at(int i)


public java.lang.Object elementAt(int i)
for compatibility with old code that used Vector class


public int atI(int i)


public double atF(int i)


public double atD(int i)


public java.lang.String atS(int i)


public boolean isMissingAt(int i)


public int getMissingCount()
returs the # of missing values in this variable


public abstract int getCatIndex(java.lang.Object o)
returns the ID of the category

category - (usually string)
category ID


public int getCatIndex(int i)
returns ID of the category of i-th case in the variable or -1 if i oob


public abstract java.lang.Object getCatAt(int i)
returns the category with index ID or null if variable is not categorial


public abstract int getSizeCatAt(int i)
returns size of the category with index ID or -1 if variable is not categorial or index oob


public abstract int getSizeCat(java.lang.Object o)
returns size of the category o. If category does not exist or variable is not categorial, -1 is returned.


public java.lang.String getName()
returns name of the variable


public boolean isNum()
returns true if the variable has numerical content (i.e. it can be casted to Number)


public boolean isCat()
returns true if it's a categorial variable


public boolean isEmpty()


public void setName(java.lang.String nn)
warning! use with care! Nameshould not be changed after hte variable was registered with SVarSet. The behavior for doing so is undefined.


public abstract int getNumCats()
returns the number of categories for this variable or 0 if the variable is not categorial


public boolean hasMissing()
returns true if there are missing values


public abstract java.lang.Object[] getCategories()
returns new, fixed array of categories


public int[] getRanked()
returns list of indexes ordered by rank. for details see @link{#getRanked(SVar, SMarker, int)}


public abstract int[] getRanked(SMarker m,
                                int markspec)


public static int[] filterRanksByID(int[] r,
                                    int[] ids)


public static int[] filterRanksByMap(int[] r,
                                     int[] map,
                                     int mapEntry)


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public void setSeq(SCatSequence newSeq)