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Package: | tikzDevice |
Version: | person("Cameron", "Bracken", role = "aut"), person("Kirill", "Müller", role = c("ctb"), email = "krlmlr+r@mailbox.org"), person("Yihui", "Xie", role = "ctb"), person("Ralf", "Stubner", email = "ralf.stubner@gmail.com", role = "cre"), person("Nico", "Bellack", email = "nico.belack@daqana.com", role = "ctb") ) |
Title: | R Graphics Output in LaTeX Format |
Description: | Provides a graphics output device for R that records plots in a LaTeX-friendly format. The device transforms plotting commands issued by R functions into LaTeX code blocks. When included in a LaTeX document, these blocks are interpreted with the help of 'TikZ'---a graphics package for TeX and friends written by Till Tantau. Using the 'tikzDevice', the text of R plots can contain LaTeX commands such as mathematical formula. The device also allows arbitrary LaTeX code to be inserted into the output stream. |
Depends: | R (>= 2.14.0) |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
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