screen2data converts between screen (pixel) coordinates of device output and the data coordinates.

data2screen performs the inverse conversion.

Both functions can be parametrized manually but default to obtaining all necessary parameters from the active graphics device. It is most useful when used with bitmap dvices such as the Cairo device (see Cairo package) for the purpose of adding interactivity (e.g., via JavaScript).

screen2data(x, y, width = par("fin")[1] * dpi, height = par("fin")[2] * dpi,
            dpi = 72, plt = par("plt"), usr = par("usr"), flip = FALSE)
data2screen(x, y, width = par("fin")[1] * dpi, height = par("fin")[2] * dpi,
            dpi = 72, plt = par("plt"), usr = par("usr"), flip = FALSE)



x coordinates of locations to convert or a two-column matrix (if y is missing)


y coordinates of locations to convert (if missing x must be a matrix and the second column of x is interpreted as y)


width of the figure region (usually the size of the resulting file in pixels)


height of the figure region (usually the size of the resulting file in pixels)


resolution (only used to compute the width and height from figure size if they are not specified


the `plt' parameter


the `usr' parameter


if set to TRUE then y axis in pixels is assumed to be flipped (0 on top)


The result is a two-column matrix with the columns x and y. The special case of one row input is returned as a named vector of length two.


If x and y are vectors they are recycled to match.


#> Warning: calling par(new=TRUE) with no plot
#> Warning: calling par(new=TRUE) with no plot
#> Error in figure margins too large
## where on the bitmap is the data point 0,0 ?
data2screen(0, 0)
#>     x     y 
#> 59.04 73.44 
## if I click on 200, 100 with flipped coordinates, what coordinates do
## I hit?
screen2data(200, 100, flip=TRUE)
#>        x        y 
#> 3.838780 1.499025 
## go there and back
screen2data(data2screen(c(0, 0.5), c(1, 0.5)))
#>        x   y
#> [1,] 0.0 1.0
#> [2,] 0.5 0.5