.jfloat marks a numeric vector as an object that can be used as parameter to Java calls that require float parameters. Similarly, .jlong marks a numeric vector as long parameter, .jshort as short and .jbyte as byte.




numeric vector


Returns a numeric vector of the class jfloat, jlong, jbyte, jshort or jchar that can be used as parameter to Java calls that require float, long, byte, short or char parameters respectively.


R has no native float or long type. Numeric vectors are stored as doubles, hence there is no native way to pass float numbers to Java methods. The .jfloat call marks a numeric vector as having the Java type float by wrapping it in the jfloat class. The class is still a subclass of numeric, therefore all regular R operations are unaffected by this.

Similarly, .jlong is used to mark a numeric vector as a parameter of the long Java type. Please note that in general R has no native type that will hold a long value, so conversion between Java's long type and R's numeric is potentially lossy.

.jbyte is used when a scalar byte is to be passed to Java. Note that byte arrays are natively passed as raw vectors, not as .jbyte arrays, although non-scalar .jbyte is equivalent except for using four-times as much memory.

.jchar is strictly experimental and uses integer vector as storage class. The type char in Java represents 16-bit Unicode code points (not to be confused with char in C which is byte in Java!), see Java documentation for details. x can also be a non-NA string in which case .jchar(x) is just a shorthand for .jnew("java.lang.String", x)$toCharArray() and thus performs a Java call (unlike all other functions mentioned here).

See also