ievent.wait {iplots} | R Documentation |
This function provides a way of building interactive event loops in R. Currently SJava interface has no stable callbacks, therefore this is the only way of defining new interactions in iPlots.
waits until some iPlots event (iEvent)
occurs. The most commonly used events include selection change and
the "break" event. It is possible to generate user-definable events
(such as events sent by custom buttons or menu entries) with low-level
API (via SJava)
Note that in the current implementation the Windows GUI "freezes" until the function returns.
is the break
event occured or a ievent
object if some other event occured.
iplot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length)
iabline(lm(d$y ~ d$x), col = "red")
ilines(lowess(d$x,d$y), col = "#0000c0")
ilines(c(0,0),c(0,0), col = "marked", visible = FALSE)
cat("Select 'Break' from the menu of any plot to return back to R.\n")
while (!is.null(ievent.wait())) {
if (iset.sel.changed()) {
s <- iset.selected()
if (length(s) > 1)
iobj.opt(x=lowess(d$x[s],d$y[s]),visible = TRUE)
else iobj.opt(visible = FALSE)
for(i in 1:3) iobj.rm()