Fast Interactive Framework for Web Scripting Using R

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Documentation for package ‘FastRWeb’ version 1.2-0

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FastRWeb-package FastRWeb - infratructure to serve web pages with R scripts efficiently
add.header Add HTML headers to FastRWeb response.
arequest FastRWeb asynchronous (AJAX) requests
as.WebResult Result object of a FastRWeb script
done FastRWeb interface functions
FastRWeb FastRWeb - infratructure to serve web pages with R scripts efficiently
oclear FastRWeb HTML output functions
ohead FastRWeb HTML output functions
oinput Functions aiding in creating HTML form elements.
oprint FastRWeb HTML output functions
oselection Functions aiding in creating HTML form elements.
osubmit Functions aiding in creating HTML form elements.
otable FastRWeb HTML output functions
out FastRWeb HTML output functions
parse.multipart Parsing of POST request multi-part body.
WebPlot Graphics device for inclusion of plots in FastRWeb results.
WebResult Result object of a FastRWeb script