A chunk function applicator
do.ccall(procedures, argument_lists, target, post_locs = TRUE, balance = FALSE)
list of functions, or character vector naming functions
list containing argument lists corresponding to each procedure
Optional target ChunkReference
Logical, send location of created chunk references to locator server or not.
Logical of whether to balance results along the cluster, or a Balance function to apply the balancing.
The principal means of performing remote operations on chunks. Returns immediately, without waiting for results of chunk operations.
List of ChunkReferences.
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==> Define data, use random,
##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
## The function is currently defined as
function (procedures, argument_lists, target, post_locs = TRUE,
balance = FALSE)
locations <- determine_locations(argument_lists, target,
arguments_by_loc <- disperse_arguments(argument_lists, locations)
comps_by_loc <- send_computations(procedures, arguments_by_loc,
comprefs <- unsplit(comps_by_loc, as.factor(locations))
output_hrefs <- sapply(comprefs, output_href)
if (post_locs)
post_locations(output_hrefs, locations)
mapply(ChunkReference, output_hrefs, locations, comprefs,
#> function (procedures, argument_lists, target, post_locs = TRUE,
#> balance = FALSE)
#> {
#> locations <- determine_locations(argument_lists, target,
#> balance)
#> arguments_by_loc <- disperse_arguments(argument_lists, locations)
#> comps_by_loc <- send_computations(procedures, arguments_by_loc,
#> locations)
#> comprefs <- unsplit(comps_by_loc, as.factor(locations))
#> output_hrefs <- sapply(comprefs, output_href)
#> if (post_locs)
#> post_locations(output_hrefs, locations)
#> mapply(ChunkReference, output_hrefs, locations, comprefs,
#> }
#> <environment: 0x5642fbdb7da8>