hydroGOF-package | Goodness-of-fit (GoF) functions for numerical and graphical comparison of simulated and observed time series, mainly focused on hydrological modelling. |
br2 | br2 |
br2.data.frame | br2 |
br2.default | br2 |
br2.matrix | br2 |
br2.zoo | br2 |
cp | Coefficient of persistence |
cp.data.frame | Coefficient of persistence |
cp.default | Coefficient of persistence |
cp.matrix | Coefficient of persistence |
cp.zoo | Coefficient of persistence |
d | Index of Agreement |
d.data.frame | Index of Agreement |
d.default | Index of Agreement |
d.matrix | Index of Agreement |
d.zoo | Index of Agreement |
EgaEnEstellaQts | Ega in "Estella" (Q071), ts with daily streamflows. |
ggof | Graphical Goodness of Fit |
gof | Numerical Goodness-of-fit measures |
gof.data.frame | Numerical Goodness-of-fit measures |
gof.default | Numerical Goodness-of-fit measures |
gof.matrix | Numerical Goodness-of-fit measures |
gof.zoo | Numerical Goodness-of-fit measures |
hydroGOF | Goodness-of-fit (GoF) functions for numerical and graphical comparison of simulated and observed time series, mainly focused on hydrological modelling. |
KGE | Kling-Gupta Efficiency |
KGE.data.frame | Kling-Gupta Efficiency |
KGE.default | Kling-Gupta Efficiency |
KGE.matrix | Kling-Gupta Efficiency |
KGE.zoo | Kling-Gupta Efficiency |
mae | Mean Absolute Error |
mae.data.frame | Mean Absolute Error |
mae.default | Mean Absolute Error |
mae.matrix | Mean Absolute Error |
mae.zoo | Mean Absolute Error |
md | Modified index of agreement |
md.data.frame | Modified index of agreement |
md.default | Modified index of agreement |
md.matrix | Modified index of agreement |
md.zoo | Modified index of agreement |
me | Mean Error |
me.data.frame | Mean Error |
me.default | Mean Error |
me.matrix | Mean Error |
me.zoo | Mean Error |
mNSE | Modified Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency |
mNSE.data.frame | Modified Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency |
mNSE.default | Modified Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency |
mNSE.matrix | Modified Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency |
mNSE.zoo | Modified Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency |
mNSeff | Modified Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency |
mse | Mean Squared Error |
mse.data.frame | Mean Squared Error |
mse.default | Mean Squared Error |
mse.matrix | Mean Squared Error |
mse.zoo | Mean Squared Error |
nrmse | Normalized Root Mean Square Error |
nrmse.data.frame | Normalized Root Mean Square Error |
nrmse.default | Normalized Root Mean Square Error |
nrmse.matrix | Normalized Root Mean Square Error |
nrmse.zoo | Normalized Root Mean Square Error |
NSE | Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency |
NSE.data.frame | Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency |
NSE.default | Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency |
NSE.matrix | Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency |
NSE.zoo | Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency |
NSeff | Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency |
pbias | Percent Bias |
pbias.data.frame | Percent Bias |
pbias.default | Percent Bias |
pbias.matrix | Percent Bias |
pbias.zoo | Percent Bias |
pbiasfdc | Percent Bias in the Slope of the Midsegment of the Flow Duration Curve |
pbiasfdc.data.frame | Percent Bias in the Slope of the Midsegment of the Flow Duration Curve |
pbiasfdc.default | Percent Bias in the Slope of the Midsegment of the Flow Duration Curve |
pbiasfdc.matrix | Percent Bias in the Slope of the Midsegment of the Flow Duration Curve |
pbiasfdc.zoo | Percent Bias in the Slope of the Midsegment of the Flow Duration Curve |
pfactor | P-factor |
pfactor.data.frame | P-factor |
pfactor.default | P-factor |
pfactor.matrix | P-factor |
plot2 | Plotting 2 Time Series |
plotbands | Plot a ts with observed values and two confidence bounds |
plotbandsonly | Adds uncertainty bounds to an existing plot. |
rd | Relative Index of Agreement |
rd.data.frame | Relative Index of Agreement |
rd.default | Relative Index of Agreement |
rd.matrix | Relative Index of Agreement |
rd.zoo | Relative Index of Agreement |
rfactor | R-factor |
rfactor.data.frame | R-factor |
rfactor.default | R-factor |
rfactor.matrix | R-factor |
rmse | Root Mean Square Error |
rmse.data.frame | Root Mean Square Error |
rmse.default | Root Mean Square Error |
rmse.matrix | Root Mean Square Error |
rmse.zoo | Root Mean Square Error |
rNSE | Relative Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency |
rNSE.data.frame | Relative Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency |
rNSE.default | Relative Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency |
rNSE.matrix | Relative Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency |
rNSE.zoo | Relative Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency |
rNSeff | Relative Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency |
rPearson | Mean Squared Error |
rPearson.data.frame | Mean Squared Error |
rPearson.default | Mean Squared Error |
rPearson.matrix | Mean Squared Error |
rPearson.zoo | Mean Squared Error |
rSD | Ratio of Standard Deviations |
rSD.data.frame | Ratio of Standard Deviations |
rSD.default | Ratio of Standard Deviations |
rSD.matrix | Ratio of Standard Deviations |
rSD.zoo | Ratio of Standard Deviations |
rsr | Ratio of RMSE to the standard deviation of the observations |
rsr.data.frame | Ratio of RMSE to the standard deviation of the observations |
rsr.default | Ratio of RMSE to the standard deviation of the observations |
rsr.matrix | Ratio of RMSE to the standard deviation of the observations |
rsr.zoo | Ratio of RMSE to the standard deviation of the observations |
ssq | Sum of the Squared Residuals |
ssq.data.frame | Sum of the Squared Residuals |
ssq.default | Sum of the Squared Residuals |
ssq.matrix | Sum of the Squared Residuals |
valindex | Valid Indexes |
valindex.default | Valid Indexes |
valindex.matrix | Valid Indexes |
VE | Volumetric Efficiency |
VE.data.frame | Volumetric Efficiency |
VE.default | Volumetric Efficiency |
VE.matrix | Volumetric Efficiency |
VE.zoo | Volumetric Efficiency |